“2” Take a Pledge 2 Be a Responsible Tourist “2”

“2” Take a Pledge 2 Be a Responsible Tourist “2”

…Some entire countries e.g. Switzerland and Kazakhstan, Austrian Alps have warmed by 2C. The percentage of the globe exceeded 2C.
Extreme warming is fuelling wildfires in Alaska, shrinking glaciers in the Alps, melting permafrost across Canada’s Northwest Territories – i.e. altering marine ecosystems …
It is making already hot places in the Middle East unbearable for outdoor workers and altering forests, lakes and rivers in the United States. It has thawed the winters of New England and transformed the summers of Siberia.

Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/national/climate-environment/climate-change-world/?wpmk=1&wpisrc=al_news__alert-world–alert-national